Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Task 4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

                                                  The age of my target audience are between 15-24 and my film is going to be about sci-fi action thriller with some romance. The casts has to be very good looking ( good looking actors are able to attract more   audience to watch) and there will be actions and quick cuts/editing in order to make the film interesting quick and less boring. The reason why I chose sci-fi action film as my genre is because it will allows meto produce video games to play, being able to market through merchandising like what they have twilight(toys, stickers, bags, pencilcases, cups, T-shirt, etc.) 
will definitely attract the targeted age group of both sex and male because they often go to cinema with their peers. For majority of the boys, they play video games and by having video games featuredfrom this film could help to gain profit in the industry. As for the girls, they are more likely to watch it when there are beautiful good looking actors acting in it as they will be interested in their style clothing. 

Even though this film is targeted mainly for this particular age group, it doesn’t mean that other audience will not be suitable to watch it. The film could be available for young couple to watch film which has romance with extraordinary fiction thriller and that could be their token for date.  Even parents could watch them with/without children, as it would help to inspire them when it comes to bedtime story telling. This film will of course contain a moral value in the plot, as this will have most youngsters to relate to the story.

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