First of all, we used the darker coloured scheme throughout the opening sequence to denote that this film is a thriller genre. The picture of a gun in the left hand corner represents danger and it helps to convey the idea of the film being an action thriller. Immediately, targeted male audience would be fascinated by it and would want to see it.
Second picture is a door handle, which signifies the idea of being trapped and that there is a mystery about it. This helps to conform our opening title sequence because there is unsolved situation leading into a mystery and this mystery is an element of a film thriller.
Third picture clockwise shows that convention of a thriller. The picture of the tap is important because it conveys the personality of the protagonist who is cleaning his hand. It tells the audience that he felt sorry, he is also cleaning his soul or guilt in a metaphorical way. This leads to the picture below it, which is a picture of blood being drained, which is informing that someone is dead. Blood represents danger and once again we highlighting the genre of the film by conforming the convention of a thriller.
In the centre is a picture of a protagonist in a close up shot to convey his expression of fear(convention of a thriller) which juxtaposes to his character and his outward appearance. He is a stereotypical of a hero figure who is good looking and smartly dressed like James Bond; however his inner emotion is also discovered and left open for the audience to see it. This is a juxtaposition of his real image and his outward presented image. This is linked to the first picture on the left in the third row where he saw his own reflection from the mirror represents that his outside and inner self.
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