Sunday, 26 June 2011

Account of the preliminary task

 We arrived in the studio on Monday morning to find the set built and the band waiting to begin the shoot. Each group was given 25 minutes in which to shoot a minimum of 4 shots. Our group was up filming first and we took it in turns to play the part of the director, assistant, playback and cameraman.
To cover our bases we shot wide, mid, close up and instrument shots, which didn't leave us much time to get our specific ideas. I think in the real project we will have to be more realistic with timings. However we managed a good few to work with and after our 25 minutes were up we headed up to the editing suite to compile them all together.

Directing the lead singer 

We found that when editing music videos there are certain things you need to consider which aren’t so important with the thrillers. For example editing on the beat creates a much more flowing video and makes the cuts much less obvious.

During this process, we have to go through the video over and over again to ensure that there is fluidity and we realise that we have to edit the video according to the beat so we have to re edit some parts of the videos by chopping some parts and making them into quick cuts in order to give a connection with the beat of the music.

OVerall, I was pleased with the process escpecially the shooting process where we each tried different  roles and it helped understand how each works. One thing I would be very careful about shooting process is the timing because we did not have enough time to shoot close up shots of all the group members therefore giving us some difficulty in editing where we could use quick cuts of their eack individual shots of their close up. So in future, we will have to manage time wisely.
this is the set which has an element of grungy rock design.   I used the screen connected to the video camera to help me see if the shots are good.

End product :)

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