Sunday, 26 June 2011

Preparation for preliminary task

In preparation, we were told to shoot and edit the first 30sesconds of  an unsigned boy band found from Myspace and they are called Acres of :Life.

Since this was our first time shooting for a music video, we as group did some research through Youtube searching for music videos about bands that would help give us some ideas about what kind of shots would be suitable for the bands. Then we have to plan about what kind of shots do we want and how fast or slow do we want the cuts to be during the editing process.

We realise that rock bands tend to have quick cuts in editing and they often have more close up shots of the lead singer.By looking at the music videos like How You Love Me Now by Hey Monday inspired us to have pull focus in our shooting. We drew up the timeline, a rough sketch of different shots which we would like to have in our first but of the video.

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