Sunday 30 October 2011

Friday 14 October 2011


This is proficient bloging, the animatic is clear and  like your shooting schedule which may need to be revised leading up to your film shoot.  Do post photo's of your cast members and try to organise the images of props used - see me regarding this next week.  With the set design and lighting recommendations, try to link these with real practice and the media concept of mise en scene. Also try to evaluate the use of lighting and whether thsi is directional, key or fill;  high/low contrast? 

Casting process and finalist!

After discussing with our teacher about our casting list, we found out that Jess, Merlin and Teymour are involved in more than 3 music videos and that they can't be doing more as they will be missing their classes. So we have to come up with a plan B. Luckily, we found a pair who happens to be available for the music video.

This is our finalists : Emma Frances Hodgson and Frankie Dixon.

Emma as Dummy, the lead singer

47236_1561869603798_1147056341_31661207_5933174_n.jpg          23626_1378760546186_1147056341_31172990_1471565_n.jpg    We thought that she is edgy yet glamourours and she has the look of innocence and vulnerability which would be great for the music video as she is suppose to be playing a victim who was abused by her boyfriend. She is a drama student so that means it will be very easy to work with her in terms of directing on the shooting day.

Also for the album cover, I thought she would be able to pull these looks ( these dummy posters were made by Sophia) 




Freddie as Dummy's abusive boyfriend.

275236_560686773_1301841607_n.jpg   He would be a perfect role to play an abusive boyfriend as he has that rough edge and he looks fierce. 

Emma and Freddie are good friends which means that they will be comfortable with each other on the set during the shoot. This is important as we as directors and them as actors would be able to save time and move on quickly with the shots we need to take. I feel that when actors are comfortable with each other, it is less awkward, more fun and enjoyable to film.

Evaluation on animatic storyboard

Thanks to the animatic storyboarding, we managed to visualise about how our video is going to be potentially. It also allow us to be realistic about which shots we could do and which shots we could not do. For example, we could not have the burning cross in because of the danger so we are going to have cross chain instead.

In the beginning of the song, we have the lead's pair of eyes and this shot is very significant because we are trying to connotate the narration from her point of view.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Shooting Schedule (provisional)

8:40- 9:00
Group meeting in front of media class
Final checklist of props, costume,etc.
Ready to go!
9:00- 10:30
Filming the 'flashbacks' in the bedroom.
Setting up bright lighting for dawn.
10:30- 10:45
10:45- 11:15
Shooting in the same set but ripped and worn down to juxtapost from the past.

Filled in darker shades of lighting.
11:15- 13:00
Filming the single shots and hand shots

13:00- 13: 50
13:50- 15:00
Change to bathroom set to shoot bathroom scenes

Different lighting
Touch up on make-up , rolling actors in for action ,etc.
15:00- 16:30
Filming cards
Filming Hand shots (on a plain white background)
And other shots that need retaking.
16:30- 17:00
Removing the sets

Feedback from the lighting and set designer

We pitched our idea and the concept we are going for to Den, the lighting and set designer, today. And he gave us some tips about the set design and we decided that our set was going to be representational rather than literal.

 Our bedroom is going to be consisting of two walls, a very plain window, a bed and a wooden chair. The main source of light will be from the window, we will use a yellow hue to ceate the effect of a street lamp.
 Our bathroom is going to stay the same but we are including window sill with the plastic blinds in order for the light to come in. This is to reinforce that even though she tries to hide, she can't escape from it.

For the lighting, we are going to have dark blue, green and violet/purple lighting to symbolise her agony, pain, loneliness and cold.

We like the idea of lighting and we would like to achieve something like that for our video too

Set design and lighting

     Lighting design

As a group, we were very keen on the concept of using dark, cold lighting to help match the theme of the song(which is about domestic abuse/violence).

This is a rough sketch of what the set might look like:

I added some green colour into the dark blue for the bathroom to represent old mouldy bathroom.

Set Design

We then finalised that we want to have two sets for the video:

Bedroom layout design with window behind curtains

Bathroom layout
We like the idea of having a mirror in the bathroom where she would be seeing her reflection and her past. This is to represent that she is trapped and constantly haunted by it.  That would explain why she would 'drown' herself in the tub as to cleanse her soul, wash away her painful memories.

We are interested in using dark, blue lighting to represent coldness. This is because we wanted the audience to be on the lead singer's side and it is from her point of view.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Costumes and Props Lists




We wanted to have the lead singer in a pure innocent look in the past memories shots.
    White Night dress (something soft and flowy to represent her

imgres.jpg Fish tank for the cards' shot. We are using a clear fish tank is because we want to have a shot of cards falling and swirling in the water, in order to do that we need a clear tank.



We want to create an innocent yet sexy image for the lead as this will help brings out her edginess. So we thought by using silky white dress with red lipstick. We also like the idea of juxtaposing the two contrasting images and combined them. For example, being innocent but sexy and vengeful at the same time. 

For the guy, he is going to be wearing a plain shirt with dark blue jeans, we are going for a rough casual look.